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SH-S222 SATA DVD Rewriter
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Samsung SH-S222 SATA DVD Rewriter

When it comes to quiet computing the optical drive is one product where things tend to get a little noisy. If you are installing a program the noise from an optical drive can be very high indeed. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to make an optical drive run quieter. The noise is generated by how fast the drive spins the disk.

Samsung’s Writemaster optical drives are a little different because they work in conjunction with their Magic Speed program. This program gives you total control on how fast the drive spins when a CD is accessed. Some customers may not find the noise of drive obtrusive when installing program because it is only temporary. What can be annoying is when you are watching a DVD and all you can here is the disk spinning inside the drive. Unfortunately Samsung’s Magic Speed software does not support DVDs, but all is not lost! Nero have a program called DiscSpeed which will allow you to modify CD and DVD read speeds which means you can now watch a DVD movie in peace!


  1. Up to 22x DVD write speeds
  2. Quiet optical drive
  3. Noise can be reduced further
  4. Great value for money

Customer Reviews

Quiet and excellent value


Very pleased with this product. Very good value. One word of warning, if using this to install Windows 7, make sure that you have the latest driver or it will not recognise the install disc. Had me foxed for hours!

Quiet and good value for money


Certainly not silent, but noticeably quieter than any of the other optical drives I’ve used.

Quick and quiet.


Quick, stable and quiet. Well worth the money!

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